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SQLAdmin configuration options are heavily inspired by the Flask-Admin project.

This page will give you a basic introduction and for all the details you can visit API Reference.

Let's say you've defined your SQLAlchemy models like this:

from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String, create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import declarative_base

Base = declarative_base()
engine = create_engine(
    connect_args={"check_same_thread": False},

class User(Base):
    __tablename__ = "users"

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = Column(String)
    email = Column(String)

Base.metadata.create_all(engine)  # Create tables

If you want to integrate SQLAdmin into FastAPI application:

from fastapi import FastAPI
from sqladmin import Admin, ModelView

app = FastAPI()
admin = Admin(app, engine)

class UserAdmin(ModelView, model=User):
    column_list = [,]


As you can see the UserAdmin class inherits from ModelView and accepts some configurations.


You can configure a few general permissions for this model. The following options are available:

  • can_create: If the model can create new instances via SQLAdmin. Default value is True.
  • can_edit: If the model instances can be edited via SQLAdmin. Default value is True.
  • can_delete: If the model instances can be deleted via SQLAdmin. Default value is True.
  • can_view_details: If the model instance details can be viewed via SQLAdmin. Default value is True.
  • can_export: If the model data can be exported in the list page. Default value is True.


class UserAdmin(ModelView, model=User):
    can_create = True
    can_edit = True
    can_delete = False
    can_view_details = True


The metadata for the model. The options are:

  • name: Display name for this model. Default value is the class name.
  • name_plural: Display plural name for this model. Default value is class name + s.
  • icon: Icon to be displayed for this model in the admin. Only FontAwesome names are supported.
  • category: Category name to display group of ModelView classes together in dropdown.


class UserAdmin(ModelView, model=User):
    name = "User"
    name_plural = "Users"
    icon = "fa-solid fa-user"
    category = "accounts"

List page

These options allow configurations in the list page, in the case of this example where you can view list of User records.

The options available are:

  • column_list: List of columns or column names to be displayed in the list page.
  • column_exclude_list: List of columns or column names to be excluded in the list page.
  • column_formatters: Dictionary of column formatters in the list page.
  • column_searchable_list: List of columns or column names to be searchable in the list page.
  • column_sortable_list: List of columns or column names to be sortable in the list page.
  • column_default_sort: Default sorting if no sorting is applied, tuple of (column, is_descending) or list of the tuple for multiple columns.
  • list_query: A method with the signature of (request) -> stmt which can customize the list query.
  • count_query: A method with the signature of (request) -> stmt which can customize the count query.
  • search_query: A method with the signature of (stmt, term) -> stmt which can customize the search query.


class UserAdmin(ModelView, model=User):
    column_list = [,, "user.address.zip_code"]
    column_searchable_list = []
    column_sortable_list = []
    column_formatters = { lambda m, a:[:10]}
    column_default_sort = [(, True), (, False)]


You can use the special keyword "__all__" in column_list or column_details_list if you don't want to specify all the columns manually. For example: column_list = "__all__"

Details page

These options allow configurations in the details page, in the case of this example where you can view details of a single User.

The options available are:

  • column_details_list: List of columns or column names to be displayed in the details page.
  • column_details_exclude_list: List of columns or column names to be excluded in the details page.
  • column_formatters_detail: Dictionary of column formatters in the details page.


class UserAdmin(ModelView, model=User):
    column_details_list = [,, "user.address.zip_code"]
    column_formatters_detail = { lambda m, a:[:10]}


You can show related model's attributes by using a string value. For example "user.address.zip_code" will load the relationship but it will trigger extra queries for each relationship loading.

Pagination options

The pagination options in the list page can be configured. The available options include:

  • page_size: Default page size in pagination. Default is 10.
  • page_size_options: Pagination selector options. Default is [10, 25, 50, 100].


class UserAdmin(ModelView, model=User):
    page_size = 50
    page_size_options = [25, 50, 100, 200]

General options

There are a few options which apply to both List and Detail pages. They include:

  • column_labels: A mapping of column labels, used to map column names to new names in all places.
  • column_type_formatters: A mapping of type keys and callable values to format in all places. For example you can add custom date formatter to be used in both list and detail pages.
  • save_as: A boolean to enable "save as new" option when editing an object.
  • save_as_continue: A boolean to control the redirect URL if save_as is enabled.


class UserAdmin(ModelView, model=User):
    def date_format(value):
        return value.strftime("%d.%m.%Y")

    column_labels = {User.mail: "Email"}
    column_type_formatters = dict(ModelView.column_type_formatters, date=date_format)
    save_as = True

Form options

SQLAdmin allows customizing how forms work with your models. The forms are based on WTForms package and include the following options:

  • form: Default form to be used for creating or editing the model. Default value is None and form is created dynamically.
  • form_base_class: Default base class for creating forms. Default value is wtforms.Form.
  • form_args: Dictionary of form field arguments supported by WTForms.
  • form_widget_args: Dictionary of form widget rendering arguments supported by WTForms.
  • form_columns: List of model columns to be included in the form. Default is all model columns.
  • form_excluded_columns: List of model columns to be excluded from the form.
  • form_overrides: Dictionary of form fields to override when creating the form.
  • form_include_pk: Control if primary key column should be included in create/edit forms. Default is False.
  • form_ajax_refs: Use Ajax with Select2 for loading relationship models async. This is use ful when the related model has a lot of records.
  • form_converter: Allow adding custom converters to support additional column types.


class UserAdmin(ModelView, model=User):
    form_columns = []
    form_args = dict(name=dict(label="Full name"))
    form_widget_args = dict(email=dict(readonly=True))
    form_overrides = dict(email=wtforms.EmailField)
    form_include_pk = True
    form_ajax_refs = {
        "address": {
            "fields": ("zip_code", "street"),
            "order_by": ("id",),

Export options

SQLAdmin supports exporting data in the list page. Currently only CSV export is supported. The export options can be set per model and includes the following options:

  • can_export: If the model can be exported. Default value is True.
  • column_export_list: List of columns to include in the export data. Default is all model columns.
  • column_export_exclude_list: List of columns to exclude in the export data.
  • export_max_rows: Maximum number of rows to be exported. Default value is 0 which means unlimited.
  • export_types: List of export types to be enabled. Default value is ["csv"].


The template files are built using Jinja2 and can be completely overridden in the configurations. The pages available are:

  • list_template: Template to use for models list page. Default is list.html.
  • create_template: Template to use for model creation page. Default is create.html.
  • details_template: Template to use for model details page. Default is details.html.
  • edit_template: Template to use for model edit page. Default is edit.html.


class UserAdmin(ModelView, model=User):
    list_template = "custom_list.html"

For more information about working with template see Working with Templates.


There might be some cases which you want to do some actions before or after a model was created, updated or deleted.

There are four methods you can override to achieve this:

  • on_model_change: Called before a model was created or updated.
  • after_model_change: Called after a model was created or updated.
  • on_model_delete: Called before a model was deleted.
  • after_model_delete: Called after a model was deleted.

By default these methods do nothing.


class UserAdmin(ModelView, model=User):
    async def on_model_change(self, data, model, is_created, request):
        # Perform some other action

    async def on_model_delete(self, model, request):
        # Perform some other action

Custom Action

To add custom action on models to the Admin, you can use the action decorator.


from sqladmin import BaseView, action

class UserAdmin(ModelView, model=User):
        confirmation_message="Are you sure?",
    async def approve_users(self, request: Request):
        pks = request.query_params.get("pks", "").split(",")
        if pks:
            for pk in pks:
                model: User = await self.get_object_for_edit(pk)

        referer = request.headers.get("Referer")
        if referer:
            return RedirectResponse(referer)
            return RedirectResponse(request.url_for("admin:list", identity=self.identity))


The available options for action are:

  • name: A string name to be used in URL for this action.
  • label: A string for describing this action.
  • add_in_list: A boolean indicating if this action should be available in list page.
  • add_in_detail: A boolean indicating if this action should be available in detail page.
  • confirmation_message: A string message that if defined, will open a modal to ask for confirmation before calling the action method.